Nothing is impossible

Archana Ramanathan
10 min readApr 20, 2019

You can create your dream life through the power of visual affirmations

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” ~ The Alchemist

There was once a man who set out on a long journey by foot. By noon he reached a forest and decided to rest for a while. Spotting a large shady tree with cushiony grass beneath, he decided to sleep under it. After having rested, he woke up feeling hungry and began to think of his favourite foods, wishing he could eat it. Suddenly all his favourite food appeared in front of him. He was amazed, but since he was also very hungry, he began to devour the food without a thought. After having eaten, he was very thirsty and wished for some drinks. At that very moment glasses filled with water and other drinks appeared. The man jumped at it and gulped them all down. Having eaten and drunk to his hearts’ content, the man now began to think about how the food and drinks appeared. He thought that it is the work of ghosts and soon they will come to get him. The ghosts appeared and surrounded him. The man thought to himself that there is no escape now and that he is going to die at the hands of the ghosts. And he died. The man never realised that he was sitting under a Kalpa Vruksha or Wishing Tree.

This story is metaphorical of how we, humans are the architects of our own life. Everything that we have in our life or that we have created around us was first created in our minds and it then got manifested in the outside world.
An organised, one-directional mind is nothing but a Kalpa Vruksha. It has the power to create and manifest everything we want. The external, is always a reflection of the internal and hence to experience brilliance in the outer life, the inner life needs to be energised, developed. As we consistently increase the innate power of the mind by moving it from an inert state to a more established, conscious state, we will begin to experience the marvels of the mind’s manifestation and this is the law of attraction.


People in faith pray for something to happen in their lives, they are putting all their belief in the Almighty to make it possible for them. They are convinced that He will move the mountains for them. They are constantly seeking what they want, and in doing so, they are channelising their mind in one direction. When the mind is channelised, the way they think becomes the way they feel. There is no doubt or fear or any other impediments in their heart; and their mind, heart, body and soul are all energised and organised in one direction. The combined energy of these four dimensions is miraculous and they manifest exactly what they wished for.

The mind, the heart, the body and the soul are the four dimensions that form the foundation of the intrinsic power that resides within every human being. When the psychological(mind), emotional(heart), spiritual(soul) and physiological(body) energies reverberate a thought in unison, it manifests itself. Thus, the capacity to manifest or attract what we want from the universe lies within ourselves. But in our quest to pursue our wants outside of us, we have discredited this immense power that lies within us. Once we begin to nurture each of these four dimensions, we will begin to achieve everything we wish for.


The famed Psychoanalyst Dr. Sigmund Freud wrote, “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”

Do you remember the first time you rode a bicycle or the first time you swam or the first sand castle you made on the beach? What is common between all these first experiences? It was your belief that you can do it. There was no negativity that impeded your actions. As we grow up, our experiences of succeeding or failing at something forms the basis of what we think we can achieve. We begin to lose faith in our ability to achieve something because it hasn’t happened in the past or because we constantly get told that we are not good enough to achieve what we want. We begin to feel undeserving which in turn reduces our drive to want to realise what we really aspire for.

For eg. You desire to get a 50% or more salary raise in your appraisal. But then you begin to think, ‘the company standard is a maximum of 20% for the best employee’, ‘no one has ever got a 50% raise’, ‘I have never got more than 15%’, ‘Am I the best employee?’ etc. What you are doing is creating a desire on one hand and on the other allowing your self-doubt or past experiences to be impediments to the realisation of your desires. If we keep thinking of what hasn’t happened or what is missing, we are only attracting that. The truth is, just because something hasn’t happened in the past does not mean that it can never happen in the present. Modern science and every human creation around us is proof that nature will manifest what we are really committed to create. If we organise our thoughts and energies in the direction of what we want, without any hurdles of disbelief, the universe takes care of fulfilling it for us. It is not up to us to decide what is possible or not possible, nature takes care of it. All we need to do is channelise the energies of our four dimensions to create reverberating vibrations and when this happens, we will have the life we desire. In Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “The only devils in the world are those running in our hearts. That is where the battle should be fought.”


In order to focus our energies on attracting what we want, we need to be certain of what we want. Everything we have in our lives today, we wanted at some point. We felt that if we got this one thing, our life would be perfect. And when we got it we did not want it anymore or we wanted something else to make our life better. Hence for the universe to manifest the life we desire, we need to manifest it very clearly in our minds first. If we are constantly navigating our way through our thoughts, like a maze, changing directions frequently, what we are getting ourselves into is a big puddle of confusion. So, if we organise our mind and in turn our heart, soul and body in one unwavering direction then we become the Kalpa Vruksha or Wishing Tree of our lives. We go from being just a creation to the creator.

What we all want is harmony within us and outside us. This harmony comes from a peaceful mind, a joyful heart, a healthy body and a compassionate soul. This is the essence of what each one of us desires. So instead of focusing on the granularity of creating this harmony, if we concentrated our energies on creating the larger emotions and feelings of joy, peace, love and, compassion, we create our desired life. So, if all our energy converges on feeling joyful each day, no matter the circumstances, we are manifesting joy into our life. Concentrating on overarching emotions, helps us be steadfast in the pursuit of what we want.


Don’t live in the world without, be deeply interested in the world within”, says Dr. Joseph Murphy is his book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Because in the world within us, in our subconscious mind, lies the power to create the world we desire, outside. The conditioning of the subconscious mind is what allows us to transform ourselves from being creations to becoming creators.
The subconscious mind is the subjective or involuntary mind. It does not rationalise or think or reason out like the conscious mind and yet it governs over 90% of our life. Deep inside the subconscious mind, lies the prudence and power to create wonders in our life. It has the solution to every problem and the cause for every effect. It is that fertile soil into which you sow the seeds of your thoughts, and reap the fruits of experiences, events and conditions in your body and surroundings. Thus, we as the gardeners of our life, have complete control over how magnificent the harvest of our life is.

If, what we impress on our subconscious, expresses itself in our life, then shouldn’t we take charge of what we feed our subconscious with to create more desirable conditions for us to live in? Most of us start our day on our smartphones reading messages, checking emails, scrolling through our social media profiles or scanning for news. Throughout the day our mind is incessantly churning so much information from all that we hear, see, read and talk about. All this information seeps into and gets stored in our subconscious. Just like everything in the universe is made up of energy that is generating vibrations of a certain frequency, the thoughts in our subconscious are also a form of energy. The energy of each of our thoughts is vibrating at a different frequency and is attracting similar energy.

For example, at work, your colleagues and you talk negatively about the management, about your dislike for your work place, the lack of appreciation and growth opportunities. You constantly engage in these conversations, allowing your conscious to accept it and feed it into your subconscious as powerful thoughts. You begin to dwell on it and slowly stop enjoying going into work or putting in your 100% because you now believe that you are not in a great workplace, your efforts will not be appreciated, nor will you get opportunities to grow. There is a dip in your contribution at work which is not taken well by your manager, leading to frustration for you. Thus, by choosing to entertain negative thoughts, we created powerful negative energy in our subconscious which in turn attracted similar energy of unhappiness, dissatisfaction and frustration.

Similarly, when we are spending so much time on social media or reading the news, we are exposing our subconscious to thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, futility etc. We can choose not to give our mental consent to or entertain these thoughts and rather reject these thoughts by providing constructive counteractive suggestions. Thus, all our experiences are nothing but a reaction of our subconscious to our thoughts.


So how do we then change the energy within our subconscious? How do we ‘consciously’ programme it to generate vibrations that attracts what we want, from the universe? The way to do it is by conveying concise, positive thoughts to the subconscious by repetition, faith and expectancy. When thoughts are repeatedly fed into the subconscious, it accepts them as the truth and habitually brings about an outcome of those thoughts. The subconscious cannot differentiate between a harmonious and an erroneous thought, it will believe what we consistently feed into it.
There are 3 simple ways of creating the belief in our subconscious –

Visual Affirmations:

To affirm is to state that something is true, even if evidence exists to prove the contrary. If you keep repeating the affirmation and you know what you are saying and why you are saying it, the mind accepts it as being the truth. The subconscious then reacts to this truth i.e.: manifests this belief in your physical world.

We believe what we see. Similarly for the subconscious to believe in a thought, it is very important to clearly visualise it. An affirmation in the form of words alone is not enough. Our subconscious may have some previous associations with the words we choose and this may not help with a clear manifestation of the thoughts in our mind. So, start by choosing concise, positive words of your desire. Think of it as if it is happening right now. Then, visualise this thought as vividly as possible in your imagination. And lastly, apply emotion to it. Emotion is nothing but energy in motion and this is the most important spoke of the wheel that drives the subconscious to manifest. One way to bring in the emotion is to ask yourself, ‘why is this desire important to me’ and ‘how does it make me feel’. The deeper you dig into the ‘Why’ and the ‘Feeling’, the stronger your emotion for this thought. Each morning, soon after you wake up, spend at least 20-30 minutes in a calm, still state (physically and mentally) practicing the visual affirmations.

Pre-Sleep Affirmations:

When your body is in a physical state of inertia, it becomes easier to still the mind and practice the visual affirmations. Every night, at least an hour before your bedtime, disconnect from technology and all activities. In a state of physical passivity, begin to calm your mind using breathing techniques. Then, start stating to your subconscious all that you wish to achieve. Use the visual affirmations. The subconscious mind is always active and by falling asleep to the visuals of your fulfilled desires, ingrains it as the truth in your subconscious thus making it manifest them.

The Blueprint:

Just as an architect creates a blueprint of his designs before starting to build, journaling your desires helps you remain committed to manifesting them. At the start of the day, along with the visual affirmation, write down about your ideal day ahead. This allows you to have a set vision for the day and increases your focus to want to pursue it.


With great power, comes greater responsibility,” famously quotes Spiderman. With this intrinsic power each one of us has to manifest what we want, can we become more thoughtful of our desires? Can we ask for others what we ask for ourselves? Can we use this power to heal the sick and fill the lives of the ones we love with positivity, peace and happiness? Being in harmony, agreement and correspondence is the law of the universe. Can we restore this principle by sending out vibrations of love, peace, happiness and positivity so that it reverberates through the universe making it a better place for all of us? Adding to Mahatma Gandhi’s adage, can we, “Be the change and create the change we wish to see?”



Archana Ramanathan

Intuitive, Empathetic, All-heart | Vintage Soul, Contemporary Vibes | An eternal optimist | Still getting to know myself | Love to travel, live to eat |